A purple square with the words "Polite Type" in tall, skinny, white letters.A landscape purple rectangle with the words "Polite Type" in thick white letters.
About Beth Fileti

Bad Type Tool

A teaching tool developed in p5.js that allows users to quickly create a really bad font.

A blue letter s with some alterations and paragraphs of text, showing the altered s.
A blue capital M and a blue lowercase n. Both with green anchor points.
A close up of a paragraph of text with altered letterforms. The paragraph is not readable, but you can loosely make out the word "Instructions."
Resize the window and play with the logo.
Read more about responsive lettering.

About the Project

The Bad Type Tool is a teaching tool that I developed that allows users to quickly create a really bad font. I determined the fastest way to make a bad font and learn from it, was to start with a good font and royally mess it up. Students can quickly see how small changes interrupt the color of a paragraph of type, while being playful and experimental with letterforms.

This project was done as part of a Generative Type workshop, run by Space Type Continuum.

Resize the window and play with the logo.
Read more about responsive lettering.