Production Timeline & KPIs

May 27, 2022

Thesis KPIs & Milestones


  •  (Mon. 6/13) Finish data input for Flags // 1-2 hours per day on this. Maybe stop when at critical mass. Can always add to later.
  •  (Thu. 6/2) For user testing, I want to have the following in place:
    - Ability to upgrade click production power using exponential growth for cost/linear growth for production (Functionality)
    Ability to upgrade machines using exponential growth for cost/linear growth for production (Functionality)
    Do I need a way to communicate/check selling power? (Audience interest?)
    - User input to customize flags: Could be typed in or pulling from my data (Functionality)
    Starting to work on Repairman storyline
    - ASCII art illustrations for changes in resolution and flag customization (Artwork)
  • (Thu. 6/9) Have a narrative experience built out with a start, middle, and end, that his upon the key functionalities/moments within the game. Be able to user test and get player feedback.
  • (Thu. 6/16) Integrate as much user feedback and refinement as possible and have an outline of an artist statement/presentation deck ready to go.


Criteria for Myself

For the audience:

  1. I want this work to be memorable.
  2. I want this work to be enjoyed privately...for reflection or conversation after the fact.
  3. I want it to be enjoyable to engage with it.

For myself:

  1. I want this work to be considerate and respectful of the people with whom it engages, from process through product.
  2. I’m ok with straying from the “truth” of the story as long as it gets to a bigger “truth.”
  3. I want to be personally clear on what I’m saying but allow others to interpret/draw their own conclusions.
  4. I don’t want Amazon to benefit from this work.

For the work:

  1. I want this work to use narrative and storytelling to create an experience.
  2. I want there to be moments of surprise.
  3. I want this work to feel like it has its own purpose, internal to itself, and solving itself.
  4. I want the format to feel open, rather than predictive. Be unexpected in execution of form, as well as content.

What is most important to me with this work is "Did I tell an interesting story?"

Can be measured by…

  • time a person voluntarily spends engaged with the game
  • user feedback
  • conversations between users
  • if a user wants to share it with a friend

Was it clear and easy to understand?

  • What does it make people think about during?
  • What does it make people think about after?
  • Did this project reflect consideration on the part of the artist?
  • Did this project leave a lasting impression?

Were the game mechanics fun to interact with?

  • Are there moments of surprise?
  • Did I treat the real life counterparts of this story with integrity?

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